You've probably heard of CCTV systems, or closed circuit television systems. This is just an example of a digital video surveillance system and is probably the most popular, too. In the days of yore, CCTV systems were grainy and in black and white, and have brought about many a case of mistaken identity. Recent developments, however, have since improved the quality of CCTV systems in Dubai , and all digital video surveillance systems for that matter. You can now be watched in full color on high-tech LCD monitors while you rob a bank or steal your neighbor's underpants. It has been said that a weapon is only as deadly as its user. The same is true of video surveillance cameras. It exists as a modern marketing and advertising tool, but it will only be effective to the extent you allow it to be. The expenses incurred for buying video surveillance solution is worth the effort and cost because these equipment not only reduce costs of security but also help in curbing crime and ...